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Tottenham, North London, London, United Kingdom

Friday, 2 September 2011

Primal Football Artwork

Yes, i must be getting a bit boring on the whole football front. Sorry. The last footy-related post for a while, i swear. Having said this, i feel i need to show these images (i forgot to take note of the websites again so apologies for that). Primal i suppose is perhaps not quite the right word for all of these images as there is of course a piece from Stanley Spencer in there (needless to say a very sophisticated artist with terrific vision) but there are items of interest from 2nd and 3rd worlds where the game does truly create a community around it as can be seen in these works. Furthermore, as i have said before, i am a sucker for bright, primal colours frequently used in the outsider art of West Africa and South America. Anyway, i hope you enjoy them...

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Them Lot